Auxano Grow: How To Regrow Your Own Hair Using the World’s Most Powerful Hair Regrowth Solution

Published by the Jay Campbell Team:

Jay Campbell

5x international best selling author | men’s physique champion | founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast.


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Meet The Author

Picture of Jay Campbell
Jay Campbell

Jay is a 5x international best selling author, men’s physique champion, and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast.

Recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on hormonal optimization and therapeutic peptides, Jay has dedicated his life to teaching Men and Women how to #FullyOptimize their health while also instilling the importance of Raising their Consciousness.

Follow him on social media at JayCampbell333 and subscribe to his Daily Email Newsletter with more than 50,000 subscribers for the best info on peptides, hormones and optimizing your performance!

Table of Contents

Auxano Grow V2 continues to take the world by storm as the world’s most effective treatment for both stopping hair loss and growing new hair.

We at Aseir Custom continue to have our inbox flooded with hundreds of positive testimonials — expect it to be thousands by the end of 2021.

Yet despite a proven track record, many people STILL don’t know how to maximize their use of Auxano Grow V2 for best results!

This blog post is a short yet easy-to-follow how-to guide for both newcomers and experienced users who want to further accelerate hair regrowth with Auxano Grow V2.

Step #1: Understand Exactly HOW Auxano Grow V2 Works

If you’re not getting the results you want with Auxano Grow V2 or any other form of hair loss treatment, you need to understand the precise mechanism of action behind hair growth.

This is easily resolved with tip-of-the-spear knowledge that debunks widely-believed myths and falsehoods you may have heard from friends — or even well-intentioned doctors!

First, understand why the theory of inhibiting DHT (dihydrotestosterone) to stop hair loss is based on misunderstood science. 

The best resource for this information bar-and-none is Part 1 of the brand new article we posted on Ben Greenfield’s website.

(If you want to hear this information in the form of an interactive audio podcast, go here)

If you read or listen to nothing else about hair loss, you will know more than 95% of hair loss clinicians who use some form of DHT-inhibiting prescription drug such as Finasteride or Dutasteride as part of their treatments.

I talk about this extensively in my latest YouTube video:

On top of numerous studies contradicting the proposed tenets of DHT inhibition, drugs that work on this basis often have a long laundry list of negative and long-lasting side effects:

  • Decreased sexual performance
  • Increased fat accumulation
  • Development of gynecomastia
  • Suboptimal hormonal health (ESPECIALLY for men)
  • Lifelong dependency on the drug (i.e. stop using it and your hair falls out)

But sadly, ineffective hair loss treatments don’t just stop with the two prescription drugs I mentioned.

Many other forms of hair loss solutions are ineffective, and this blog post will tell you exactly why.

Long story short: The ROOT CAUSE of hair loss is either not addressed at all due to a fundamental misunderstanding of how hair grows, or it is tackled poorly.

Second, understand why — and how — the ingredients in Auxano Grow V2 work individually and together to induce hair growth in the scalp

The two main ingredients in Auxano Grow V2 are copper peptide GHK-Cu and Carbon 60 (C60).

Both of them are bio-regulators, defined as “any endogenous substance that modifies the rate or intensity of a biologic process so as to maintain homeostasis or meet changing needs of the organism.” (Source)

GHK-Cu is known to have multiple modes of action in the body, including the lowering of systemic inflammation and inducing angiogenesis (i.e. creation of new blood vessels).

Both are mission-critical for hair loss, but it also means GHK-Cu is a powerfully potent agent for anti-aging skin care.

C60, on the other hand, possesses incredible antioxidant properties and the ability to further drive down scalp inflammation through the removal of harmful free radicals.

Its ability to act as a molecular sponge allows additional GHK-Cu to be transferred directly to the hair follicles for increased hair regrowth.

In short, what you have is a synergistic combination of two bio-regulators with both complementary and distinct mechanisms for reversing hair loss.

Third, understand that hair loss has MULTIPLE factors playing a role at once.

As we discussed in our first flagship article on Auxano Grow, hair loss is far too complex to nail down to a single issue.

Chronic stress levels, genetics, existing bodily inflammation, gender, age, certain kinds of medications — all of these factors are important to take into account.

In my podcast with health optimization expert Victor Black, we go over several tools to aid with hair loss:

So even with Auxano Grow V2 at your disposal, it would be in your best interest to explore additional modalities for fully optimizing your hair follicles’ health.

And if you’re obese and inflamed… unfortunately, Auxano Grow won’t work as quickly or effectively for you.

It’s the one warning I give to EVERY customer who buys the product and expects the magic bullet of instant results overnight.

Step #2: Make Sure You’re Using Auxano Grow V2 CORRECTLY

While I can provide a written explanation, I can sum up the #1 mistake people make with using Auxano Grow V2 in one sentence:

You must gently massage both serums — Serum A (GHK-Cu) and Serum B (C60) DIRECTLY into the scalp where the roots of the hair follicles are, NOT the hair itself!

This advice is especially important for women and men with longer hair.

Both GHK-Cu and C60 will fail to stimulate hair regrowth and stop hair loss if they are not applied in the area where they are proven to confer their biological benefits.

See the picture above?

The woman has her fingers in the WRONG place and will likely write a testimonial about how Auxano Grow V2 “does not work.”

In contrast, make sure you thoroughly watch the videos below to see the RIGHT way to use Auxano Grow V2 by ‘gently massaging it into the scalp‘:

Fortunately, the accompanying instructions are easy to understand and are clearly listed on the product page:

“Apply enough (1-3 sprays) of Serum A to lightly cover the treatment area of your scalp, and gently massage in to facilitate maximum absorption. Allow Serum A about a minute to fully absorb into the skin. 

Apply enough (1-3 sprays) of Serum B to lightly cover the same target area where Serum A was just applied. Gently massage into the skin to aid absorption. Serum B due to the light instantly absorbable oil based texture allows you to conveniently style your hair without adding product. 

*Please understand over saturating the area of concern (where your hair is thinning or balding) will not produce better results.

More is not better. Gently massaging Auxano (Serum A and Serum B) into the scalp is critically important to achieve the best results.*

And thanks to real-time feedback from our customers, Auxano Grow has been modified for easier application:

  • The use of grapeseed oil for rapid skin absorption of the active medical ingredients and less oily residue on your hair (due to faster drying)
  • Using a spray solution for easier and more efficient application of Auxano Grow to your hair and scalp (Think of it as a leave-in conditioner)
  • 3-5x increased C60 concentration for increased effectiveness and better/faster results

I highly recommend watching the video tutorials BEFORE you use Auxanno Grow to maximize your chances of hair growth success.

Step #3: Have Realistic Expectations About What Auxano Grow V2 Can Do

As we outlined in our FAQ about Auxano Grow, here is what you should expect in terms of results:

“Results may vary from person to person due to factors such as current state of health (level of systemic inflammation) and root cause of hair loss (genetic issues like Androgenic Alopecia). Typically, results can be seen anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks after you begin using Auxano Grow.”

“The long term stability of hair regrowth seen with Auxano Grow will always vary between individuals as we are all N-of-1 and biochemically unique. Those with the lowest levels of systemic inflammation (living their lives #FullyOptimized) will in theory get better results than those living inflamed lifestyles.”

“Those with very short hair (partially bald) will not need as much product to saturate the areas of the scalp where baldness is present.  Those with longer hair (such as women or men with longer hair) may need slightly more to cover the entire scalp.

It is our opinion that 2-3 sprays of the solution are enough to saturate an entire scalp regardless of the length of hair of the person. A short-haired person would likely get 45-60 days out of a single order and a longer-haired person would get fewer days.”

Pat Stedman, one of the world’s most renowned dating and relationship coaches, describes his experience with using Auxano Grow in this interview here:

His words don’t lie — just check out these phenomenal results below:

Nice and uniform hair growth all across his scalp — something many men tend to lose as they approach their late 20s and beyond!

And if Pat’s testimonial isn’t enough for you, the reviews on the product page are more than proof of Auxano Grow’s ability to deliver real-world results.

How To Buy Auxano Grow V2 And Start Regrowing Your Lost Hair

You now know everything you need to start immediately using Auxano Grow V2 and have the thick, shiny, healthy head of hair you’ve always dreamed about.

All you have to do is visit the product page and place your order today.

And even though you can get 15% off with code JAY15, we have even better deals for our exclusive email newsletter subscribers:

To join: Visit the Aseir Custom homepage, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and enter your email address.

And as always…

Raise Your Vibration To Optimize Your Love Creation!

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