Shamanism, Vibrational Frequencies & The Benefit of Taking Shamanic Journeys w/ Dr. Dave Murphy

What we call matter is actually condensed vibrational energy that everything on this planet shares and is connected through.

Shamanism allows us to tap into that vibrational level, and it has the ability to change our lives and the lives of other people.

It allows us to change our perception of reality, and start to see the world as it really is, not the way we’ve been brainwashed to see it.

On this episode I’m joined by Dr. Dave Murphy aka the Eclectic Shaman to discuss his amazing life, unique skill set and the incredible world of Andean Shamanism.

Shamanism is a personal, experiential path. You don’t become a shaman by reading about it, you become one by experiencing the spirit and developing a personal relationship with it.
-Dr. Dave Murphy

Listen to the full episode:

At the start of the show, Dr. Dave Murphy defined vibrational frequencies and why everything in this world isn’t physical.

Next, we talked about shamanism, the different types, and its origin.

We also discussed how religion controls people in a negative way, and how shamanism differs.

Towards the end of the show, we talked about how Dr. Murphy got into shamanism.

We also discussed;

  • Why everything is connected
  • How Dr. Murphy enters the meditative state
  • The benefits of going down the shamanic path

What we call matter is actually condensed vibrational energy that everything on this planet shares and is connected through.

Shamanism allows us to tap into that vibrational level, and it has the ability to change our lives and the lives of other people.

It allows us to change our perception of reality, and start to see the world as it really is, not the way we’ve been brainwashed to see it.

Guest Bio:

Dr. Dave Murphy is a college professor, and shamanic practitioner. He earned a Ph. D. from Washington State University in 1989. He also received an N.D. degree and certification as an advanced nutritional consultant and master herbalist from the Trinity College of Natural Health. In addition, he earned a 500 hour certificate of proficiency with highest honors in Ayurvedic medicine from The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine/Institute of Indian Medicine. Go to for more information.

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