When it comes to providing help and care, our Veterans deserve much more than we’re currently offering them as a society. Despite the existence of institutions such as Veterans Affairs, Vets’ often feel like no one can help them overcome the trauma and tragedies they experienced during service. A lot of the issues stem from one thing — the way our healthcare system is set up. No one is expected to see a doctor if they’re feeling well and want to keep on being healthy. Instead, we use the Sick Care Patient Model, which often fail patients, especially Veterans. What kind of problems do they experience once they return to civilian life, and can TOT be the answer?
Victims of Medical Negligence
For many Veterans that need treatment and medical attention after they return from the field, the experience of seeking help leaves them in no better shape — and in some cases, makes them feel even worse. There’s a particular practice of treating Veterans who suffer from PTSD with Prozac or Xanax and expecting them to start feeling better after counseling. This systematic failure to help our Veterans is even more noticeable when we take into account how they may react to weak attempts at treatment. Veterans train to be hyper-vigilant, which helps them in combat but makes them constantly stressed in everyday life. What’s more, many of them had witnessed war horrors that haunt them, and they feel the need to shut their brains off so they wouldn’t have to remember them. On average, 20 Veterans committed suicide every day during 2014, and male veterans who used the services of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) were 22% more likely to commit suicide than those that didn’t. It is a horrifying statistic, and it becomes even more so when we acknowledge that our healthcare system doesn’t know what to do with them.
Sick Care Patient Model
When Veterans see their physicians for treatment, they accept the physician’s authority and expertise in their field without questioning whether the treatment is right. It becomes a problem when physicians don’t try to understand the underlying conditions that cause health problems, and instead treat the symptoms per the Sick Care Patient Model. It’s a common practice which is especially damaging to Veterans, as they can come back to civilian life with conditions that are difficult enough to diagnose as it is.
Effects of Stress
The military is a highly stressful occupation. Soldiers experience both physical and mental traumas, which are often very taxing and have a profound impact on their health. The conditions of high stress can rewire their brain chemistry, causing an imbalance of feel-good neurotransmitters like adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine. It’s important for Veterans to be aware of this, and to know that even though VA wants to help them get proper treatment, they may not possess enough information on how best to approach it. Veterans who experience troubles when they’re looking for treatment might want to consider checking their hormone levels. If they’re out of balance, their whole body could be reeling from the effects of it — and hormone therapy like TOT could be the right answer for them. To find out more about this type of treatment, read the TOT Bible. To Join the World’s #1 Premium Access Group For Optimizing Your Hormones and Long Term Health, Click Here!