Inflammation on a cellular level is the core component of many aging-related diseases, making it the chief culprit of erectile dysfunction, vascular disease, autoimmune disease, and some cancers. All these mentioned conditions have an association with low levels of testosterone. In fact, many chronic inflammatory illnesses are linked to testosterone deficiency. These diseases include diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and even an increased risk for bone fracture.
Therefore, one of the primary ways testosterone improves biological systems is by decreasing inflammation. Excessive inflammation affects the Leydig cell which is located in the testicles, affecting function and suppressing testosterone production. There is evidence from experimental studies that IL-6, TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta (the primary cytokines and major inflammatory markers) inhibit testosterone production due to their suppressive influence on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary Testes-Axis (HPTA). IL-6, TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta control the levels of inflammation in the human body. Studies have also conclusively shown that suboptimal levels of testosterone lead to increased inflammation throughout the body.
Testosterone Optimization Therapy and Inflammation
Let me briefly discuss the major inflammatory markers and how Testosterone Optimization Therapy (TOT) has explicitly been shown to improve every one of them: Adiponectin, while not an inflammatory cytokine per se, affects inflammation as it’s a leading cause of decreasing insulin. Adiponectin levels naturally drop as men age; however, its levels will decline at a faster rate due to adverse lifestyle choices such as poor diet, unchecked fat gain, and lack of exercise. TOT, on the other hand, raises adiponectin levels.
Study after study shows how TOT has the power to decrease inflammation levels. Researchers have proven that TOT inhibits IL-1 production; IL-1 is found in some conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. TOT has also been observed to lower TNF-alpha levels which are the primary cause of cardiovascular disease. It leads us to IL-6, an inflammatory found in diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Studies show that TOT also decreases IL-6 levels! C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is now a standard test given by progressive doctors to measure systemic inflammation levels. The higher your readings, the more you are at risk for heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and Fatty Liver Disease. Testosterone deficiency has been found to associate with higher CRP levels from insulin resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic syndrome and vascular disease.