Under 30 & Optimized w/ Daniel Kelly & Joshua Bakuhn

Testosterone deficiency is a common problem for a lot of men under 30. As a result, these individuals aren’t living up to their full potential, or experiencing fulfilling lives. Thanks to TRT, many have solved this problem and improved their quality of life. On this episode we talk to Daniel Kelly and Joshua Bakuhn, two men under 30 who have seen the benefits of TRT in their own lives.

When you’re not actualizing your full potential, you’re not optimal. – Joshua Bakuhn

Listen to the full episode: At the start of the episode, Daniel and Josh described their lives before TRT, and how the treatment improved them. They also talked about the importance of educating themselves since most doctors don’t know about TRT. They went on to talk discuss how TRT has changed their dating lives and interactions with the opposite sex. Towards the end of the show we discussed people’s concerns about not being able to have children on TRT.

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We also talked about:

  • How widespread testosterone deficiency is for men under 30
  • The importance of getting your blood work done and understanding your symptoms
  • If the quality of life on TRT outweighs the downsides of the treatment
  • What stops most men from going on TRT
  • Why doctors haven’t caught up with TRT research
  • Why it’s better to solve your testosterone deficiency now, and not in your 50s

Once you realize you’re missing out on a great life, the decision to start TRT is an easy one. It sets you up for success because it keeps you motivated, and it gives you the drive to boldly go after your goals. Ultimately the benefit of TRT is achieving optimal health, and the confidence and motivation that carries through to every part of your life – professionally, physically and socially. Guest Bio To get in touch with Daniel Kelly, leave a comment on one of his articles on the TRT Revolution website. To get in touch with Josh, send an email to [email protected]. For more articles from Daniel, visit his website WorkHardLiveClean.com. To Get Your FREE COPY of the Amazon Best Seller: The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, Click Here! The TRT MANual has helped hundreds of thousands of men around the world reclaim their health and vitality. Don’t suffer in silence a moment longer! PS. As an added bonus, upon finishing the book-once you provide a Thoughtful, High Quality Review on Amazon (hopefully 5 STAR), we will send you our new unreleased eBook 7 Lies You’ve Been Told About Testosterone for FREE.* (To receive book, email [email protected] a screenshot of your posted review and request a copy of the book.) Get the TRT MANual FREE

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