We are now living far beyond our reproductive years, and this is why optimization has become so necessary. What can we learn from epigenetics? How is stress affecting our health in a major way? On this episode, Dr. Paul Thompson shares some of the factors affecting our endocrine health.
The harmful effects of stress rank right up there with cigarette smoke and diabetes. It’s that serious. –Dr. Paul Thompson
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At the start of the show, Dr. Paul shares how he got started and why physicians should always be liaisons for their patients. We also talked about epigenetic mutations amongst young men and women and whether there’s a relationship between heart disease and optimization. We also discussed:
- How epigenetics influence each other
- Why people should be de-stressing and decompressing more
We have been exposed to more neuro-endocrine disruptors than any other time in history, and it’s having a massively negative impact on our health, happiness, and peace. There’s no way to avoid the disruption completely, but there are ways to control it. Always being connected to our screens and devices is decreasing our physical health. Optimizing yourself isn’t just about hormones. It’s about de-stressing, eating well, spending time in nature, and taking care of yourself. This way, we can live longer while also being happy. Guest Bio Dr. Thompson is a doctor Certified in Age Management Medicine. He is the founder of The Thompson Clinic, a nationally renowned Age Management Practitioner and Healthy Living Specialist as well as a go-to expert medical source for national media outlets. Go to https://www.thethompsonclinic.com/ for more information. To learn how to fully optimize your health and life, read the Amazon best-seller The TOT Bible.