Amino Acid Utilization & Why Most Recommended Protein Foods Aren’t Good Enough w/Dr. David Minkoff

Everybody in the health world talks about the importance of protein, but it still remains grossly misunderstood.

What is amino acid utilization, and what does it mean for us? What are the best foods for amino acid utilization?

What happens when you don’t get enough essential amino acids as it relates to protein turnover, healing, anabolism effect with training?

On this episode, I’m joined by legendary physician, author and founder of LifeWorks Medical Center, BodyHealth, and PerfectAmino, Dr. David Minkoff, who shares the truth about protein we all should know about.

We need healthy food and supplements so we can change the trend of society and the planet to save us from extinction. -Dr. David Minkoff

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At the start of the show, Dr. David shared how he got started in alternative healthcare, and how his wife’s experience with mercury toxicity led him down that path. Next, we talked about whether autoimmune disorders are being caused by toxic particulates, and why all that has a lot to do with gut health and the intestines. We talked about proteins, amino acid utilization, and the best sources of protein. We also discussed;

  • Why all proteins aren’t created equal
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Best diet for endurance athletes

The body’s ability to utilize the protein it digests isn’t just about eating any protein, it’s about eating the right kind of protein. Protein is made up of smaller units called amino acids, and in order to get the full benefit of utilization, you have to remember that not all amino acids are created equal. One gram of protein in one food isn’t the same as a gram in another, and you have to be extremely discerning about the protein you choose, because it determines how your body recovers, and how the amino acids reassemble. If you’re an athlete or a bodybuilder, this is incredibly important. Remember, casein, collagen, egg whites, and BCAAs are not good enough proteins to perform the necessary functions and you can never go wrong with whole eggs. Guest Bio: Dr. Minkoff is a 42-time full-Ironman triathlete, having qualified and competed at the Kona World Championships 8 times. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1974 and was elected to the “Phi Beta Kappa” of medical schools, the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Fraternity for very high academic achievement. He then worked as an attending physician in infectious disease, co-directed a neo-natal intensive care unit and worked in emergency medicine until 1995. In 1997, Dr. Minkoff’s interest in alternative and complimentary medicine led him to open LifeWorks Wellness Center, which as become one of the largest alternative medical clinics in the US. Furthermore, his search to find a source of the highest quality nutritional supplements led him to found BodyHealth in 2000, to provide a resource for thousands of doctors to give them the best possible supplementation and education for their patients. Dr. Minkoff continues as the medical director for his thriving medical practice while lecturing at national conferences annually, appearing as a guest on TV, radio and podcasts. He writes two weekly newsletters while also continuing his training for Ironman Triathlons. Go to for more information or to buy the products. To buy Dr Minkoff’s book The Search for the Perfect Protein, go to To Join the World’s #1 Premium Access Group For Optimizing Your Hormones and Long Term Health, Click Here! 

To learn how to fully optimize your health and life, read the Amazon best-seller The TOT Bible. Now available as an Audio Book too! To learn how to optimize IF for maximal fat loss and muscle preservation grab your copy of The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet: Now available as an Audio Book!  The-Metabolic-Blowtorch-Diet-3D-Book-Cover If you don’t read books but prefer educational videos, check out my Webinar Series: TOT-Revolution-Webinar-Series-Jay-Campbell

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