How Quality Sleep and a Quality Bed Affect Weight, Mood, and Body Alignment w/Samuel Smith

A chronic lack of sleep leads to many biological system breakdowns and difficulties, but so few people prioritize getting a good night’s sleep. What role does our mattress play in the quality of sleep we get? What other factors affect our sleep? How can we avoid shortening the life span of our mattresses? On this episode, mattress and sleep expert Samuel Smith joins me to talk about the importance of paying attention to sleep, and why we need to be mindful of the quality of bed we sleep in.

When your body isn’t getting enough sleep, it’s going to make up for the lack of sleep in other ways. The simplest way to do it is to store calories. -Samuel Smith

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At the start of the show, Sam shared how he got into his line of work and we talked about some of the health breakdowns that take place when we don’t get enough sleep. Sam shared how the Recovr Mattress, the world’s first sleep service for endurance athletes, is different from other bed-in-a-box products. We also talked about how sound and light in our sleeping hours affects us, and how getting enough sleep can actually help you lose weight. We also discussed:

  • How to avoid chronic blue light bombardment
  • How obesity affects the life cycle of a bed
  • The correlation between sleep and obesity

The world is starting to wake up to the importance of sleep and how much it impacts the functionality of so many of our biological processes. Sleep affects our moods, the work we do, and even our body’s ability to lose weight. We spend 1/3 of our lives on our mattresses, so it’s insanely important to find one that gives us quality sleep. When we prioritize getting 8 hours of quality sleep everyday, we’ll see benefits in every area of our lives. Guest Bio Sam is a sleep guru and product manager for Recovr Mattress. Go to for more information or connect with him on LinkedIn: To learn how to fully optimize your health and life, read the Amazon best-seller The TOT Bible. To learn how to optimize IF for maximal fat loss and muscle preservation grab your copy of The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet:  The-Metabolic-Blowtorch-Diet-3D-Book-Cover      

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