How Medical Marijuana Will Change the Face of Medicine w/Dr. Rachna Patel

Medical marijuana has been a game changer for people with conditions like insomnia, anxiety and chronic pain. Why properties make it such a powerful antidote? How do you use it without getting high on it? Why is correct dosing so critical? On this episode, The Medical Marijuana Expert, Dr. Rachna Patel joins us to discuss her work.

You have to use medical marijuana within certain parameters to get the benefits of it but not the adverse effects.  -Dr Rachna Patel

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At the start of the show, Dr. Rachna shared how she got started, and how her frustration with opiate addiction and overdoses led her to her work with medical marijuana. Next, she shared on the conditions she most commonly treats, as well as the people who shouldn’t use marijuana. We also discussed how marijuana affects sleep and concentration levels. Towards the end of the show, Dr. Rachna shared how she’s taking her business virtual. We also spoke about;

  • The cumulative build-up effect of marijuana
  • How marijuana affects the emotional processing of pain
  • Marijuana and its connection to increased cognition

Chronic pain, anxiety and insomnia are the most common conditions that medical marijuana treats. These are also the conditions for which pharmaceutical medications are most prescribed. This means that if the use of medical marijuana became more widespread, it could potentially replace all of those medications. This could literally wean millions of Americans off addictive and lethal opiates, and this would completely transform the current medical system. Marijuana has a biphasic effect, too little won’t do anything and too much will make your pain worse. That’s why it’s so important to get the dosing on point, so that your intake falls within the optimal dosing range. Ultimately, you want to fall in the therapeutic window so you’re not experiencing side effects. Guest Bio Dr. Rachna Patel has been practicing in the field of Medical Marijuana since 2012. She completed her undergraduate studies at Northwestern University and medical studies at Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine. You can learn more about the work she does at or get in touch with her through her YouTube channel To Get YOUR FREE PAPERBACK COPY of The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet, CLICK HERE!


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