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The Power of Committing to a Vision & System for Your Health w/Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes

Most people don’t have a systematic approach to their health. What is the danger of trying to take a short-term approach or not putting enough thought into it? Why is it so necessary to have a vision and a system in place? On this episode, Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes is back to talk more about health practices and the misconceptions we have about fitness.

Just because you don’t know what’s coming in the future, doesn’t mean you can’t impact it. – Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes

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At the start of the show, we talked about Alexander’s recent challenges and the power of taking ownership of your mistakes. Next, we talked about why it’s such a mistake to neglect your health, or try to take a shortcut with it. As we were winding down, we talked about why doctors aren’t prescribing TRT and why they need to. We also discussed;

  • The importance of a systematic approach to health
  • Why you need to have a vision for your life
  • What women are getting wrong about exercise
  • Why you shouldn’t underrate protein

With everything that comes with modern living, you just can’t escape the chemical assault. The mistake we make, is trying to take shortcuts with our health, but all the parts of life we neglect, will catch up to us in a crisis. People don’t concern themselves with their health, till they don’t have their health. The truth is, health requires as much discipline, and structure as your work does. Ultimately being healthy rests on the shoulders of the individual, and how much they want to make the best of their lives. Guest Bio Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes is a personal trainer and writer. For the last 8 years, he has made health, fitness, and all subjects thereof his area of focus and study. His primary aim is improving the health and lifestyle of as many people as possible. Go to for more information. To Get Your FREE COPY of the Amazon Best Seller: The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, Click Here! The TRT MANual has helped hundreds of thousands of men around the world reclaim their health and vitality. Don’t suffer in silence a moment longer! As an added bonus, upon finishing the book-once you provide a Thoughtful, High Quality Review on Amazon (hopefully 5 STAR), we will send you our new unreleased eBook 7 Lies You’ve Been Told About Testosterone for FREE.* (To receive book, email [email protected] a screenshot of your posted review and request a copy of the book.) Get the TRT MANual FREE PS. Ready to Feel the focus of the World’s Most Powerful OTC Nootropic-EMF? Energy-Memory-Focus-Most-Powerful-OTC-Nootropic

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