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How To Reduce Your Risk of Aging Diseases w/Dennis Mangan

The mainstream message is that you have to exercise to stay lean, but that’s a fallacy. What is truly needed to be healthy and avoid aging diseases? Why is metformin such a great supplement? What is causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? On this episode, we are joined by Dennis Mangan, who shares on these insights and provides high value data and recommendations.

A training program integrated with intermittent fasting will get you insulin sensitive. Once you get insulin sensitivity, you’ll be a lot more adapted to fasting. – Dennis Mangan

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At the start of the show, Dennis talked about intermittent fasting, and why it’s so important to get good nutrition. Next, we talked about gut biome and how easy it is to get fast adapted. We also talked about the consequences of poor insulin sensitivity, poor food choices, sugar and GMOs. The importance of food and meal prep. We also discussed;

  • The difference between metformin and berberine
  • Why all disease will be proven metabolic
  • Whole foods vs junk foods
  • Why people fear hormonal optimization

If you don’t eat right, any amount of exercise will be meaningless. If you want to keep the weight off and avoid aging diseases, you have to watch what you eat. It’s also important to improve your insulin sensitivity, and limit all the inflammatory factors causing these diseases. It’s very simple to reduce risk factors just avoid sugar, processed foods and GMOs, exercise, get enough sleep and consider a supplement like metformin. If you dial in your insulin, controlled living, hormonal optimization, and lifestyle factors, you change health habits, increase longevity, and feel good. Guest Bio Dennis Mangan is the author of Dumping Iron and the founder of Rogue Health & Fitness, where he educates others on natural means of rehabbing their bodies and creating the body of their dreams. Click here to get the book Dumping Iron on Amazon. Go to for more information or follow him on Twitter @Mangan150. To Get YOUR FREE PAPERBACK COPY of The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet, CLICK HERE!


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