The modernization of society is designed to separate us from what we truly are– powerful. How do physical and mental fitness help us reconnect with The Source? How do the toxins we consume affect our chemical balance? What is the reality of the quantum world? On this episode, Daniel Kelly joins me to continue our conversation about the TOT Bible; this time putting our focus on spiritual fitness.
Physical and hormonal health are absolutely crucial and integral to evolving spiritually. -Jay Campbell
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At the start of the show, we talked about the benefits of the feeling of being aligned. “When your hormones are balanced, you feel so aligned and so connected in an energetic way you’d never feel when your hormones are out of whack.” Next, we outlined why we can’t avoid the modernization of society. We talked about the quantum world, how we can tap into it, and how to get rid of everything in your life that is fear-based. We also discussed: – The four-legged chair of health – How the mainstream media manipulates us to remain blocked – Why we need to connect to what lies within One of the take-home messages of the TOT Bible is that hormonal optimization alleviates the environmental bombardment and assault constantly upon us. There’s just no way to avoid the modernization of society, and it’s blocking our energy centers. When we’re completely blocked due to the bad foods you eat, overconsumption of alcohol, sugar, drugs and pharmaceutical poisons, we will never evolve spiritually or see the world for what it really is. When you remain blocked, it’s simply impossible to reap the benefits of optimization. Guest Bio Daniel is a contributor on To get in touch with him, leave a comment on one of his articles on the TOT Revolution website, email [email protected] or go to To pick up the Best Selling Men’s Health book on Amazon, The TOT Bible, CLICK HERE!
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