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World Class Mindset, Habits, and Nutrition w/Bart Van der Molen, former Mr. Universe

Even with today’s unprecedented access to information, there are a lot of misconceptions around nutrition and fitness. How is mineral and vitamin deficiency affecting our health? How can we change our mindset and habits for better health? How has social media influenced perception of weightlifting? On this episode, I’m joined by former Mr. Universe and owner of the best gym in Asia, Bart Van der Molen, as he shares insights on nutrition, fitness, and bodybuilding.

When it comes to bodybuilding, the basic principles are nutrition first, training second, and sleep third. -Bart Van der Molen

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At the start of the show, Bart shared he got started and how Muscle Factory was born. He also talked about the rules of his gym and how they are different from others. Muscle-Factory-Thailand We discussed how Instagram has driven the shift in how certain workouts are viewed. We also talked about some of the health issues obese people have and why food is so addictive to them.   We also discussed:

  • Why we have a love-hate relationship with social media
  • Why it’s easier to help athletic people change their habits
  • The supplements Bart uses to prepare for competitions

If we were to prioritize giving people the minerals they need, we’d solve many health problems. We shouldn’t be making unhealthy lifestyles a socially acceptable thing because it doesn’t alleviate the danger people are putting themselves in. Ultimately, we have to change not only the habits of these people, but their mindset and psychology. Guest Bio Bart is the founder and owner of Muscle Factory Gym in Bangkok, Thailand. He is a former Mr. Universe. Go to for more information. Muscle-Factory-Thailand-Rules To learn how to fully optimize your health and life, read the Amazon best-seller The TOT Bible. To learn how to optimize IF for maximal fat loss and muscle preservation grab your copy of The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet:  The-Metabolic-Blowtorch-Diet-3D-Book-Cover      

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