I Tried It, And I’m Sold: The Rocket Is The Ultimate Upgrade To Your Sex Life

Published by the Jay Campbell Team:

Jay Campbell

5x international best selling author | men’s physique champion | founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast.


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Meet The Author

Picture of Jay Campbell
Jay Campbell

Jay is a 5x international best selling author, men’s physique champion, and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast.

Recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on hormonal optimization and therapeutic peptides, Jay has dedicated his life to teaching Men and Women how to #FullyOptimize their health while also instilling the importance of Raising their Consciousness.

Follow him on social media at JayCampbell333 and subscribe to his Daily Email Newsletter with more than 50,000 subscribers for the best info on peptides, hormones and optimizing your performance!

Table of Contents

Two weeks ago I wrote about The Rocket, a revolutionary biotech device which can reverse erectile dysfunction (ED) from the comfort of your own home.

Powered by Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy (LIST), it removes plaque buildup in your penis responsible for blocking blood flow.

The Rocket uses acoustic pulse waves to “break up” the plaque while simultaneously growing new blood vessels.

I was so blown away by the promise of the device, I promoted it BEFORE I had a chance to test it.

My long-time readers know my endorsement is legit as I never bullshit people and personally use everything I recommend.

Therefore, here are all the glorious details of my firsthand experience with using The Rocket.
While my previous blog post was focused around treating erectile dysfunction (ED), any man wanting to take his sex life to the ultimate level will benefit from using The Rocket.
And even though I don’t have ED issues, I’m always seeking to optimize every facet of my health.

What Did It Actually FEEL Like To Use The Rocket On My Penis?

Since writing the article two weeks ago, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to receive my first treatment from Stephanie Wolff.

Stephanie is the CEO of Novus Anti-Aging Center and co-founder of The Rocket, working alongside her husband Dustin Wolff at the Novus Anti-Aging Center in Studio City.

Watch this video showing my LIVE reaction receiving my first treatment using The Rocket:

There is ZERO pain or inconvenience with using the device.

As crazy as it sounds, I actually felt good while using it!

I could see changes happening to my penis with just a single 15-minute treatment.

The veins were getting thicker, drawing even more blood towards it.

I could actually FEEL and see the blood vessels were expanding in both size and visibility.

There are 6 “rounds” total with this treatment – two in the middle (NOT the underside), two on the right side, and two on the left side.

(Don’t worry, this device is safe to use around your head. If anything, The Rocket will bring more blood flow towards it and make it more sensitive)

After a single round, Stephanie handed me the device and allowed me to try it on myself.

It was the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

The lights on the device tell you exactly where you are in your treatment and where to go next.

After you are done with a “round”, the machine turns off and you power it up again to do your next round.

When all 6 rounds are complete, the device shuts down and will not turn on for another 3 days.

This is the precise amount of time you need between treatments to use the device safely.

A total of 6 treatments over the course of one month is all you need to massive upgrade your sex life.

Why Does The Rocket Work So Well For Improving Sexual Performance?

The Rocket is ridiculously easy to use.

It’s designed to be completely fool-proof so you’ll never have to worry about an accident, unlike other conventional treatments.

Plug the device into a wall, and start treating yourself.

That’s all there is to it.

Stephanie also includes a tutorial video when you purchase The Rocket, showing you exactly how to use it for optimal results.

But aside from the sheer simplicity of the device, there is an abundance of proven clinical science behind the technology used to power it.

LIST is effective and safe for patients who do not respond to common ED treatments like Viagra and Cialis, with no reported side effects (although it can be used alongside both medications).

Two separate systematic reviews and meta-analyses have definitively shown LIST’s positive potential in restoring erectile function and strength.

If all of this is confusing to you, here’s an easy way to think about it.

When a sponge gets wet, it absorbs the water and expands in size.

Now, imagine that your penis is a sponge for blood.

When men have penile problems such as ED, the “blood sponge” is not working properly because blood flow to the penis is inadequate.

When you expand the blood vessels in your penis, you’re restoring the penis’ sponge-like properties.

So if you use The Rocket and see blood flowing and tissue expanding during treatment, you’re doing it right!

Combined with The Rocket’s ability to generate new healthy tissue, blood flow returns to your penis and you start feeling sensation again.

Will The Rocket Strengthen My Erections If I Don’t Have Erectile Dysfunction?


Every single man interested in improving their sex life should get this, ED or no ED.

The Rocket will enhance your sexual performance, strengthen erections, and dramatically improve your sex life.

It’s specifically designed to give your penis positive benefits, both immediately and for several weeks following treatment.

You can even be super enhanced and sexually active after a single treatment.

I was actually blown away by how amazingly simple and effective this device is.

The instructions are foolproof, the procedure is completely pain-free, and the results are instantly noticeable.

No doctors or expensive surgery needed – you can use The Rocket in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

Where Can I Get My Hands On My Very Own Phoenix?

The Phoenix is now changing the world, and everyone now has access to it.

Purchase Your Device Now!

Your purchase will include bonuses such as online video tutorials, professional medical staff available for questions, and a TON of online material for upgrading your sex life.
If you want more information on this revolutionary at-home treatment, watch the podcast I did with Dustin Wolff about The Phoenix.
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