Healing the Divine Masculine & Freeing the Body, Mind & Soul w/Dr. David Kamnitzer

Our culture does not acknowledge the importance of the mind, body, and soul connection. Why is this causing a lot of harm to our society? How do we start to heal the masculine and bring it in alignment with the universe? When it feels like your mind, soul and body are in disconnect, how do you find that missing link? On this episode I am joined by physician and podcaster Dr. David Kamnitzer, to have a high-conscious conversation about shifting our paradigm and being our best selves.

The soul and mind affect the body, and the condition of the body affects the mind and the soul. -Dr. David Kamnitzer

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At the start of the show, Dr. David, shares on his own experience with low testosterone and how he had to shift his own paradigm. Next, we talked about why doctors have to be very cautious when they are dealing with someone’s hormones. We also talked about why you can’t rely on the sick care/illness model to provide a solution for endocrine disruption. Dr. David and I also shared on the war against the feminine and the masculine and we can solve this. We also discussed:

  • How people can end up getting manipulated and taken advantage of by the system
  • Why the patient is becoming more important than the physician
  • Why our challenges are necessary

Our bodies are the vehicles for experience and self-expression. If at any moment we feel like we’re not our best, this affects our minds and souls as well as the results we get in our lives. When these things are in alignment, we don’t have to just accept it and believe in a reality we don’t like. We can become empowered and informed, and take our health into our own hands. There are powers that want to see men completely disempowered but we can fight back through optimization. Sometimes becoming aligned means optimizing our hormones. Once we’re healed, we can become our very best physically, emotionally, and mentally.   Guest Bio Dr. David Kamnitzer (aka “Dr David” and “The Cutting-Edge Doc”) has a passion for being with people in such a way that the “Light Bulb” tends to go on for them, and then to assist their unfolding Journey in Truth. Blessed with natural teaching ability from early childhood, he also discovered he had a gift for healing while in his early 20’s. His big heart, sharp mind, and audacious vision have blended to create a dynamic life, full of adventure, challenges, and deep rewards. Go to http://www.cuttingedgedoc.com/ for more information and to listen to his podcast, Freeing the Body, Freeing the Soul. To learn how to fully optimize your health and life, read the Amazon best-seller The TOT Bible. To learn how to optimize IF for maximal fat loss and muscle preservation grab your copy of The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet: BlowTorchDiet.com  The-Metabolic-Blowtorch-Diet-3D-Book-Cover      

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